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Processing VCF files

In this page, we aim to explore the full potential of Pheno-Ranker. Our focus will be on processing a VCF file - a challenging yet intriguing task.

A VCF is essentially a specialized form of a TSV

The Variant Call Format (VCF) is a bioinformatics standard created for the 1000 Genomes Project to store gene variations, evolving to version 4.3 and expanded with formats like gVCF for comprehensive data representation.

The body of the Variant Call Format (VCF), which is essentially a tab-separated values (TSV) file, comprises eight mandatory columns and an unlimited number of optional columns for additional sample information.


OK, so our goal is to compare samples within the VCF based on their genomic variations. To achieve this, we'll undertake the following steps:

  1. Transpose the VCF data into a TSV format, arranging it so that each row contains all variations for a specific sample.
  2. Transform the TSV into a format that is compatible with Pheno-Ranker, utilizing the provided utility.
  3. Execute Pheno-Ranker in cohort-mode to generate plots using R.
  4. Run Pheno-Ranker in patient-mode to identify the most similar sample.
  5. Generate QR codes for the first 10 samples (and decode them back).
What is the source of your VCF test data?

The dataset test_1000G.vcf.gz is a subset extracted from the 1000 Genomes Project, containing approximately 1K variations. For more detailed information, please visit this page.

About VCF size and content

The idea here is to compare samples (or individuals if you will) by their genomic variations, like if we were comparing a genomic fingerprint. A good example for this would be comparing samples in a multi-sample VCF from a gene panel (or even an Exome) after filtering variations. This method of course could be complemented by adding the phenotypic information on top of the genomic variations, and then use weights. etc.

โ— We advise against using this method for comparing samples with millions of genomic variations.

Let's go!

Step1: Tranpose the VCF to TSV

We are going to be using the included Python script

Can the VCF be multi-allelic?

Yes, the VCF can me multi-allelic. This is how variant information is stored:

"1_15274_A_G,T" : "0|0",
"1_15274_A_G,T" : "0|1",
"1_15274_A_G,T" : "0|2",
"1_15274_A_G,T" : "1|0",
"1_15274_A_G,T" : "1|1",
"1_15274_A_G,T" : "1|2",
"1_15274_A_G,T" : "2|0",
"1_15274_A_G,T" : "2|1",
"1_15274_A_G,T" : "2|2",
In this example, the genotypes are phased, but it works also with unphased genotypes (e.g., 0/1).

utils/csv2pheno_ranker/vcf/ -i test_1000G.vcf.gz -o output.tsv
Regarding paths for executables
Make sure to specify the correct paths for your executables. Here, we show the paths as they exist in the Github repository.

Step 2: Transform the TSV to a compatible format

utils/csv2pheno_ranker/csv2pheno-ranker -i output.tsv -primary-key-name 'Sample ID'

Where the created output.json has the following format format:

      "1_99490_C_T" : "0|0",
      "1_99671_A_T" : "0|0",
      "1_99687_C_T" : "0|0",
      "1_99719_C_T" : "0|0",
      "Sample ID" : "HG00096"

Step 3: Execute Pheno-Ranker in cohort-mode

bin/pheno-ranker -r output.json -config output_config.yaml

This created the file matrix.txt. It's a huge matrix of 2504 x 2504 pairwise-comparisons.

Now you can create a heatmap + clustering with the included script:

Rscript share/r/heatmap.R

(Running time < 2 min in Apple M2 Pro)

Intra-cohort pairwise comparison

Or reduce the dimensionality:

Rscript share/r/mds.R

(Running time < 2 min in Apple M2 Pro)

MDS for intra-cohort pairwise comparison

Step 4: Execute Pheno-Ranker in patient-mode

Initially, we will extract a single sample from the cohort, specifically the first one listed in the VCF: HG00096.

bin/pheno-ranker -r output.json -config output_config.yaml --patients-of-interest HG00096

This creates HG00096.json.

Now we run Pheno-Ranker in patient-mode:

bin/pheno-ranker -r output.json -t HG00096.json -config output_config.yaml 
See results
1 HG00096 HG00096 CSV 1043 False 0 -3.440 0.0002913 -32.2955 1.000 3.549 0.0053956 1043 1043 1043 100.00 100.00
2 HG01537 HG00096 CSV 1050 False 14 -2.712 0.0033449 -31.5396 0.987 2.778 0.0377136 1043 1043 1036 99.33 99.33
3 HG03598 HG00096 CSV 1054 False 22 -2.296 0.0108361 -31.1101 0.979 2.342 0.0898655 1043 1043 1032 98.95 98.95
4 HG04141 HG00096 CSV 1055 False 24 -2.192 0.0141860 -31.0030 0.977 2.233 0.1087819 1043 1043 1031 98.85 98.85
5 HG04033 HG00096 CSV 1055 False 24 -2.192 0.0141860 -31.0030 0.977 2.233 0.1087819 1043 1043 1031 98.85 98.85
6 HG00237 HG00096 CSV 1056 False 26 -2.088 0.0183923 -30.8960 0.975 2.125 0.1303610 1043 1043 1030 98.75 98.75
7 HG04096 HG00096 CSV 1057 False 28 -1.984 0.0236175 -30.7891 0.974 2.017 0.1546849 1043 1043 1029 98.66 98.66
8 NA12827 HG00096 CSV 1057 False 28 -1.984 0.0236175 -30.7891 0.974 2.017 0.1546849 1043 1043 1029 98.66 98.66
9 NA20534 HG00096 CSV 1057 False 28 -1.984 0.0236175 -30.7891 0.974 2.017 0.1546849 1043 1043 1029 98.66 98.66
10 HG00234 HG00096 CSV 1057 False 28 -1.984 0.0236175 -30.7891 0.974 2.017 0.1546849 1043 1043 1029 98.66 98.66

Sample HG01537 is the closest. It has a distance of 14 to HG00096 and a p-value = 0.0033449.

Step 5: Generate QR codes for the first 10 samples

We are going to compress all variant information (1042 variations) into QR-codes

  • First we are going to export the needed files, excluding the primary key 'Sample ID':
bin/pheno-ranker -r output.json -config output_config.yaml -exclude-terms 'Sample ID' --export
  • Now we use the included utility pheno-ranker2barcode:
utils/barcode/pheno-ranker2barcode -i export.ref_binary_hash.json

This has created QR codes (PNG) for each sample inside the directory qr_codes.

See QR codes for the first 10 samples

QR codes for 10 samples

To decode the QR codes back to Pheno-Ranker format:

utils/barcode/barcode2pheno-ranker -i $(ls -1 qr_codes/*png | head -10) -t export.glob_hash.json 
This will create the file decoded.json

