SQL Tables

SQL Tables

Note the frequent use of the entity attribute extra_cols. It got introduced to allow for a flexible schema, so additional attributes can be added to an entity without the need to change the database schema. See below how that concept is leveraged in 3TR:


Entity Extra attributes (extra_cols) [🔤:character;🔢:integer;✅:boolean;🔗:URL]
Projects description 🔤, diseases 🔤, logo_url 🔗, dataset_visibility_default 🔤, dataset_visibility_changeable ✅, file_dl_allowed ✅
Analyses None
Files comments 🔤
Datasets disease 🔤, treatment 🔤, molecular_info 🔤, sample_type 🔤, data_type 🔢, value_type 🔤, platform 🔤, genome_assembly 🔤, genome_annotation 🔤, samples_count 🔢, features_count 🔢, features_ids 🔤, healthy_controls_included ✅, additional_info 🔤, contact 🔤, tags 🔤, pheno-clinical_data_file 🔗, extra_policies_file 🔗