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Distributed File Storage

Brief Primer into File vs Object Storage

To emphasize why object storage was chosen for the OmicsDM data warehouse solution.

  • ShinyProxy
    File vs Object Storage adapted from

  • Feature File Storage Object Storage
    Location Typically centralized Inherently distributed
    Organization Hierarchical (folders) Flat namespace (buckets/keys)
    Metadata Basic (File properties) Extensive and customizable
    Access Method File paths (e.g., NFS, SMB) HTTP/HTTPS-based APIs (e.g., REST, S3)
    Mutability Overwrite, appends Objects are replaced as a whole
    Use Case Real-time applications Large datasets
    Scalability Vertical (Upgrade existing hardware) Horizontal (Addition of nodes)
    Cost Scaling can be expensive Cost-efficient at scale

Object Storage with MinIO

The OmicsDM data warehouse solution employs MinIO, a S3-compatible distribute object storage system, to store all uploaded files, in a so-called S3 bucket. Below is a conceptual overview. For the sake of simplicity, the OmicsDM client is not shown in the diagram.

  • Step Description
    1. Get Pre-Signed URL Users send a request to the application server to obtain a pre-signed URL for uploading or downloading files.
    2. API Call to MinIO Server The application server requests the generation of a pre-signed URL for a specific file operation (upload or download) in the S3 bucket.
    3. Pre-Signed URL Generation The MinIO server creates a pre-signed URL, which contains time-limited credentials and permissions to perform the requested file operation. This URL is sent back to the application server.
    4. File Upload/Download The application server provides the pre-signed URL to the user. The user can then use this URL to directly upload files to or download files from the S3 bucket.

File Upload Driven by EvaporateJS

The file upload is driven by EvaporateJS a JavaScript library that allows for large file uploads (in chunks) directly from the browser to the S3 bucket.

sequenceDiagram participant User participant client as OmicsDM Client (with EvaporateJS) participant signer_server as OmicsDM Server participant S3 as S3 Bucket User->>client: Upload File Request loop Until All Chunks Uploaded client->>signer_server: Request Signed Policy for Next Chunk signer_server->>client: Return Signed Policy client->>S3: Upload Next Chunk S3->>client: Confirm Chunk Upload Success end client->>S3: Complete Multipart Upload S3->>client: Confirm Multipart Upload Success client->>User: Notify Upload Complete

Automatic File Versioning

The OmicsDM data warehouse solution comes with automatic file versioning:

A re-upload of a file with the same name will not overwrite the existing file on the S3 bucket but create a new version of it.

sequenceDiagram participant User participant client as OmicsDM Client participant server as OmicsDM Server participant S3 as S3 Bucket User->>client: Upload File Request client->>server: Check for Existing File server->>client: Return filename including the new version number client->>S3: Upload file using EvaporateJS S3->>client: Confirm Upload Success client->>server: Notify file upload success client->>User: Notify Upload Complete

File Download leveraging presigned URLs

For each file selected to be downloaded, the user receives a unique download link, a so-called presigned URL.

sequenceDiagram participant User participant client as OmicsDM Client participant server as OmicsDM Server participant S3 as S3 Bucket User->>client: File Request client->>server: Forward File Request server->>S3: API Call S3->>server: Create Time-bound Presigned URL server->>client: Return Presigned URL client->>User: Present Presigned URL User->>S3: Download File using Presigned URL

File deletion

To prevent accidental deletion of files, the OmicsDM data warehouse solution has no method to delete any to the S3 bucket uploaded files. The only option the user gets is to mark a file as "deleted". This switches a boolean flag in the database, preventing

(a) The file from being shown in the files overview

(b) The generation of a pre-signed URL for the download of the respective file