Pheno-Clinical Data

Since the molecular data cannot be interpreted without the context of the patient, it is crucial to also store the pheno-clinical (phenotypic + clinical) information about the patients.

Format of the already uploaded data

  • Legacy: Raw CSV
  • Collected during 3TR: REDCap exports (CSV)
Exporting data from REDCap

We recommend that you export your REDCap project in two formats:

  1. CSV / Microsoft Excel (raw data)

Please select the corresponding box when exporting:

REDCap export

Figure: Example of REDCap export settings. Source: CDC

Additionally, when configuring your export settings, ensure that in the Additional report options, the option "Combine checkbox options into single column of only the checked-off options" is not selected.

Checkbox export

Figure: Example of REDCap export settings. Source: CDC

After exporting the data, you must also download the REDCap dictionary in CSV format. This can be done within REDCap by navigating to Project Setup/Data Dictionary/Download the current.

  1. CSV / Microsoft Excel (labels)

The procedure for exporting as CSV / Microsoft Excel (labels) is the same as above. Just ensure you select the correct export format.

If you need more information on REDCap, we recommend consulting the comprehensive documentation provided by the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.

Flowchart of clinical data in the warehouse

%%{init: {"theme": "default", "themeVariables": { "fontSize": "14px", "fontFamily": "Arial, sans-serif", "nodePadding": 10, "nodeMargin": 10, "lineHeight": 1.2 }}}%% flowchart TB %% Define styles for different subgraphs using MkDocs Material-friendly colors style DataProducer fill:#E3F2FD,stroke:#1E88E5,stroke-width:2px, color:#000, font-size:14px style DiseaseExperts fill:#E8F5E9,stroke:#43A047,stroke-width:2px, color:#000, font-size:14px style CNAG fill:#FFF3E0,stroke:#FB8C00,stroke-width:2px, color:#000, font-size:14px style Analytics fill:#F3E5F5,stroke:#8E24AA,stroke-width:2px, color:#000, font-size:14px %% Start and End node styles A((Start: REDCap
Data Files)) style A fill:#BBDEFB,stroke:#1E88E5,stroke-width:2px, color:#000, font-size:16px H((End: Clinical Data Cycle)) style H fill:#FFCDD2,stroke:#E53935,stroke-width:2px, color:#000, font-size:16px %% Data Producer Subgraph subgraph DataProducer [Data Producer] B["Uploads
i) REDCap raw data (CSV) + dictionaries (CSV)
ii) CSV with labels"] %% Reduce font size and padding within subgraphs style B font-size:14px, padding:10px end %% Disease Experts Subgraph subgraph DiseaseExperts [Disease Experts] C["Perform QC locally"] style C font-size:14px, padding:10px end %% CNAG Subgraph subgraph CNAG [CNAG] E["REDCap data + dictionaries
are harmonized to GA4GH (BFF/PXF)
with Convert-Pheno"] style E font-size:14px, padding:10px end %% Analytics Subgraph subgraph Analytics [Analytics] F["Users download data for analysis or research"] style F font-size:14px, padding:10px end %% Define connections with arrows and labels A -->|Upload Data| B B -->|Download Labeled CSV| C C -->|Upload QC CSV to Warehouse| F B -->|Download to CNAG| E E -->|Upload Harmonized GA4GH Data| F F -->|Store Data| H %% Define link styles using MkDocs Material-friendly colors linkStyle 0 stroke:#1E88E5, stroke-width:2px, stroke-dasharray: 5 5 linkStyle 1 stroke:#43A047, stroke-width:2px linkStyle 2 stroke:#43A047, stroke-width:2px linkStyle 3 stroke:#66BB6A, stroke-width:2px linkStyle 4 stroke:#FB8C00, stroke-width:2px linkStyle 5 stroke:#8E24AA, stroke-width:2px