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OMOP CDM stands for Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model. OMOP CDM documentation.


Image extracted from

The OMOP CDM is designed to be database-agnostic, which means it can be implemented using different relational database management systems, with PostgreSQL being a popular choice.

Convert-Pheno is capable of performing both file-based conversions (from PostgreSQL exports in .sql or from any other SQL database via .csv files) and real-time conversions (e.g., from SQL queries) as long as the data has been converted to the accepted JSON format.

About OMOP CDM longitudinal data

OMOP CDM stores visit_occurrence_id for each person_id in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. However, Beacon v2 Models currently lack a way to store longitudinal data. To address this, we added a property named _visit to each record, which stores visit information. This property will be serialized only if the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table is provided.

OMOP CDM supported version(s)

Currently, Convert-Pheno supports versions 5.3 and 5.4 of OMOP CDM, and its prepared to support v6 once we can test the code with v6 projects.

OMOP as input

When using the convert-pheno command-line interface, simply ensure the correct syntax is provided.

Does Convert-Pheno accept gz files?

Yes, both input and output files can be gzipped to save space. However, it's important to note that the gzip layer introduces an overhead.

This overhead can be substantial, potentially doubling the processing time in --stream mode when handling PostgreSQL dumps as input.

About --max-lines-sql default value

Please note that for PostgreSQL dumps, we have configured --max-lines-sql=500 which is suitable for testing purposes. However, for real data, it is recommended to increase this limit to match the size of your largest table. This flag does not apply when your input files are CSV.

All tables at once


convert-pheno -iomop omop_dump.sql -obff individuals.json
or when gzipped...
convert-pheno -iomop omop_dump.sql.gz -obff individuals.json.gz
with multiple CSVs (one CSV per table)...
convert-pheno -iomop *csv -obff individuals.json.gz

Selected table(s)

It is possible to convert selected tables. For instance, in case you only want to convert DRUG_EXPOSURE table use the option --omop-tables. The option accepts a list of tables (case insensitive) separated by spaces:

About tables CONCEPT and PERSON

Tables CONCEPT and PERSON are always loaded as they're needed for the conversion. You don't need to specify them.

convert-pheno -iomop omop_dump.sql -obff individuals.json --omop-tables DRUG_EXPOSURE

Using this approach you will be able to submit multiple jobs in parallel.

What if my CONCEPT table does not contain all standard concept_id(s)

In this case, you can use the flag --ohdsi-db that will enable checking an internal database whenever the concept_id can not be found inside your CONCEPT table.

convert-pheno -iomop omop_dump.sql -obff individuals_measurement.json --omop-tables DRUG_EXPOSURE --ohdsi-db
RAM memory usage in --no-stream mode (default)

When working with -iomop and --no-stream, Convert-Pheno will consolidate all the values corresponding to a given attribute person_id under the same object. In order to do this, we need to store all data in the RAM memory. The reason for storing the data in RAM is because the rows are not adjacent (they are not pre-sorted by person_id) and can originate from distinct tables.

Number of rows Estimated RAM memory Estimated time
100K <1GB 5s
500K 1GB 15s
1M 2GB 30s
2M 4GB 1m

1 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-1350P @ 4.00GHz - 32GB RAM - SSD

If your computer only has 4GB-8GB of RAM and you plan to convert large files we recommend you to use the flag --stream which will process your tables incrementally (i.e.,line-by-line), instead of loading them into memory.

For large files, Convert-Pheno allows for a different approach. The files can be parsed incrementally (i.e., line-by-line).

To choose incremental data processing we'll be using the flag --stream:

--stream mode supported output

We only support output to BFF (-obff).

All tables at once

convert-pheno -iomop omop_dump.sql.gz -obff individuals.json.gz --stream

About OMOP core tables and RAM usage

Tables CONCEPT and PERSON are always loaded in RAM.

VISIT_OCCURRENCE will also be loaded if present, and this can consume a lot of RAM depending on its size. You might simply skip this table when exporting OMOP CDM data, as its information is only used as additional property _visit, but it is not part of the Beacon v2 or Phenopackets schema.

Selected table(s)

You can narrow down the selection to a set of table(s).

About tables CONCEPT and PERSON

Tables CONCEPT and PERSON are always loaded as they're needed for the conversion. You don't need to specify them.

convert-pheno -iomop omop_dump.sql.gz -obff individuals_measurement.json.gz --omop-tables DRUG_EXPOSURE --stream

Running multiple jobs in --stream mode will create a bunch of JSON files instead of one. It's OK, as the files we're creating are intermediate files.

Pros and Cons of incremental data load (--stream mode)

Incremental data load facilitates the processing of huge files. The only substantive difference compared to the --no-stream mode is that the data will not be consolidated at the patient or individual level, which is merely a cosmetic concern. Ultimately, the data will be loaded into a database, such as MongoDB, where the linking of data through keys can be managed. In most cases, the implementation of a pre-built API, such as the one described in the B2RI documentation, will be added to further enhance the functionality.

Number of rows Estimated RAM memory Estimated time
100K 500MB 7s
500K 500MB 18s
1M 500MB 35s
2M 500MB 1m5s

1 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-1350P @ 4.00GHz - 32GB RAM - SSD

Note that the output JSON files generated in --stream mode will always include information from the PERSON and CONCEPT tables. Therefore, both tables must be loaded into RAM (along with VISIT_OCCURRENCE if present). The size of these tables will obviously impact RAM usage. Although having this information is not a mandatory requirement for MongoDB, it helps in validating the data against Beacon v2 JSON schemas. According to JSON Schema terminology, these files contain required properties for BFF and PXF. For more details on validation, refer to the BFF Validator.

About parallelization and speed

Convert-Pheno has been optimized for speed, and, in general the CLI results are generated almost immediatly. For instance, all tests with synthetic data take less than a second or a few seconds to complete. It should be noted that the speed of the results depends on the performance of the CPU and disk speed. When Convert-Pheno has to retrieve ontologies from a database to annotate the data, the processing takes longer.

The calculation is I/O limited and using internal threads did not speed up the calculation. Another valid option is to run simultaneous jobs with external tools such as GNU Parallel, but keep in mind that SQLite database may complain.

As a final consideration, it is important to remember that pheno-clinical data conversions are executed only "once". The goal is obtaining intermediate files which will be later loaded into a database. If a large file has been converted, it is verly likely that the performance bottleneck will not occur at the Convert-Pheno step, but rather during the database load.

For developers who wish to retrieve data in real-time, we also offer the option of using the module version. With this option, the developer has to handle database credentials, queries, etc. using one of the many available PostgreSQL drivers.

The idea is to pass the essential information to Convert-Pheno as a hash (in Perl) or dictionary (in Python). It is not necessary to send all the tables shown in the example, only the ones you wish to transform.


The defintions are stored in table CONCEPT. If you send the complete CONCEPT table then Convert-Pheno will be able to find a match, otherwise it will require setting the parameter ohdsi_db = 1 (true).

my $data = 
  method => 'omop2bff',
  ohdsi_db => 0,
  data => 
      'CONCEPT' => [
                       'concept_class_id' => 'Undefined',
                       'concept_code' => 'No matching concept',
                       'concept_id' => 0,
                       'concept_name' => 'No matching concept',
                       'domain_id' => 'Metadata',
                       'invalid_reason' => undef,
                       'standard_concept' => undef,
                       'valid_end_date' => '2099-12-31',
                       'valid_start_date' => '1970-01-01',
                       'vocabulary_id' => 'None'
                       'concept_class_id' => 'Gender',
                       'concept_code' => 'F',
                       'concept_id' => 8532,
                       'concept_name' => 'FEMALE',
                       'domain_id' => 'Gender',
                       'invalid_reason' => undef,
                       'standard_concept' => 'S',
                       'valid_end_date' => '2099-12-31',
                       'valid_start_date' => '1970-01-01',
                       'vocabulary_id' => 'Gender'
                       'concept_class_id' => 'Clinical Observation',
                       'concept_code' => '8331-1',
                       'concept_id' => 3006322,
                       'concept_name' => 'Oral temperature',
                       'domain_id' => 'Measurement',
                       'invalid_reason' => undef,
                       'standard_concept' => 'S',
                       'valid_end_date' => '2099-12-31',
                       'valid_start_date' => '1996-09-06',
                       'vocabulary_id' => 'LOINC'
      'MEASUREMENT' => [
                           'measurement_concept_id' => 3006322,
                           'measurement_date' => '1998-10-03',
                           'measurement_datetime' => '1998-10-03 00:00:00',
                           'measurement_id' => 10204,
                           'measurement_source_concept_id' => 3006322,
                           'measurement_source_value' => '8331-1',
                           'measurement_time' => '1998-10-03',
                           'measurement_type_concept_id' => 5001,
                           'operator_concept_id' => 0,
                           'person_id' => 974,
                           'provider_id' => 0,
                           'range_high' => '\\N',
                           'range_low' => '\\N',
                           'unit_concept_id' => 0,
                           'unit_source_value' => undef,
                           'value_as_concept_id' => 0,
                           'value_as_number' => 4,
                           'value_source_value' => undef,
                           'visit_detail_id' => 0,
                           'visit_occurrence_id' => 64994
      'PERSON' => [
                      'birth_datetime' => '1963-12-31 00:00:00',
                      'care_site_id' => '\\N',
                      'day_of_birth' => 31,
                      'ethnicity_concept_id' => 0,
                      'ethnicity_source_concept_id' => 0,
                      'ethnicity_source_value' => 'west_indian',
                      'gender_concept_id' => 8532,
                      'gender_source_concept_id' => 0,
                      'gender_source_value' => 'F',
                      'location_id' => '\\N',
                      'month_of_birth' => 12,
                      'person_id' => 974,
                      'person_source_value' => '001f4a87-70d0-435c-a4b9-1425f6928d33',
                      'provider_id' => '\\N',
                      'race_concept_id' => 8516,
                      'race_source_concept_id' => 0,
                      'race_source_value' => 'black',
                      'year_of_birth' => 1963
data = 
  "method": "omop2bff",
  "ohdsi_db": False,
  "data": {
    "CONCEPT": [
        "concept_class_id": "Undefined",
        "concept_code": "No matching concept",
        "concept_id": 0,
        "concept_name": "No matching concept",
        "domain_id": "Metadata",
        "invalid_reason": null,
        "standard_concept": null,
        "valid_end_date": "2099-12-31",
        "valid_start_date": "1970-01-01",
        "vocabulary_id": "None"
        "concept_class_id": "Gender",
        "concept_code": "F",
        "concept_id": 8532,
        "concept_name": "FEMALE",
        "domain_id": "Gender",
        "invalid_reason": null,
        "standard_concept": "S",
        "valid_end_date": "2099-12-31",
        "valid_start_date": "1970-01-01",
        "vocabulary_id": "Gender"
        "concept_class_id": "Clinical Observation",
        "concept_code": "8331-1",
        "concept_id": 3006322,
        "concept_name": "Oral temperature",
        "domain_id": "Measurement",
        "invalid_reason": null,
        "standard_concept": "S",
        "valid_end_date": "2099-12-31",
        "valid_start_date": "1996-09-06",
        "vocabulary_id": "LOINC"
        "measurement_concept_id": 3006322,
        "measurement_date": "1998-10-03",
        "measurement_datetime": "1998-10-03 00:00:00",
        "measurement_id": 10204,
        "measurement_source_concept_id": 3006322,
        "measurement_source_value": "8331-1",
        "measurement_time": "1998-10-03",
        "measurement_type_concept_id": 5001,
        "operator_concept_id": 0,
        "person_id": 974,
        "provider_id": 0,
        "range_high": "\\N",
        "range_low": "\\N",
        "unit_concept_id": 0,
        "unit_source_value": null,
        "value_as_concept_id": 0,
        "value_as_number": 4,
        "value_source_value": null,
        "visit_detail_id": 0,
        "visit_occurrence_id": 64994
    "PERSON": [
        "birth_datetime": "1963-12-31 00:00:00",
        "care_site_id": "\\N",
        "day_of_birth": 31,
        "ethnicity_concept_id": 0,
        "ethnicity_source_concept_id": 0,
        "ethnicity_source_value": "west_indian",
        "gender_concept_id": 8532,
        "gender_source_concept_id": 0,
        "gender_source_value": "F",
        "location_id": "\\N",
        "month_of_birth": 12,
        "person_id": 974,
        "person_source_value": "001f4a87-70d0-435c-a4b9-1425f6928d33",
        "provider_id": "\\N",
        "race_concept_id": 8516,
        "race_source_concept_id": 0,
        "race_source_value": "black",
        "year_of_birth": 1963

All said for the Module also works for the API. See example data here.

  "data": { ... },
  "method": "omop2bff",
  "ohdsi_db": true